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Night of the Witch


It’s the night of the witch, our coven sets your heart on fire

It would be hard to deny that we have some special feelings towards the pines, the pines, where the sun never shines, so it was just a matter of time after Lumbersexual, Timbersexual or Needles and Pins that we released a Barrel Project within this theme. Celebrating Dopelord’s new record, Night of the Witch attacks with a serious amount of pine nuts, freshly picked spruce tips and juniper berries. The result is an odd, somewhat Sahti-themed imperial stout with piney freshness and nutty deepness, absolutely not for everyone, but definitely for you.

Kategória: Címke:


Night of the Witch

Gin Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with Pine Nuts, Pine Buds and Juniper Berries

600 g


borókabogyó, fenyőmag, fenyőrügy, víz, árpamaláta, zabpehely, karamellizált zabmaláta, komló, élesztő

BA Imperial Stout

500 ml