XXXIV. Mad Scientist Chess'n'Beer – MAD KERT 10/12 BUDAPEST mAGLÓDI ÚT 47.
Places are limited, so book upfront if you can!

All amateurs are welcome to the competition (with maximum 1500 ELO points if you have a ranking). 7 round tournament, in Swiss system, 2×15 minutes without bonus time. In the event of a tie, the Buchholz evaluation decides first, the progressive value second, and the Berger-Sonneborn calculation third. Places are limited, so book upfront if you can!
Registration: 9:30 – 10:30
Start: 11:00
Start: 11:00

The first 3 places win Mad Scientist gift packs!

This time the entry fee is not exchangeable for items on the menu, it’s simply the entry to the competition.
If the limit is not met, it is possible to register on the spot for a registration fee of HUF 6000.
Only persons over the age of 18 may enter the competition. The competition details here above are for your kind information only. The organizers reserve the right to make changes in all matters.
- Sakkversenyek